I Started This Blog Thing....

Just today I started a blog, and yes, I see the eyes rolling.  Ugh...not another blog, what could you possibly have to add to the bazillion other blogs already out there.  And to that I say good question....of which I haven't got an answer or the slightest clue.  All I can say is I thought it might be fun to write some snarky skewed view of some everyday experiences, because let's face it, there just are not enough of those kinds of blogs out there!!  (That's sarcasm by the way and if you didn't get that, then well, try harder.)  Ok another eye roll but as I previously stated I thought it was a good idea and I'm going with it.

What's it about?  Another good question (my you are on a roll today).  For the most part the subtitle says it all.  Musings as defined by the dictionary are ponderings, contemplations, expousal of meditative thought or in laymens terms--mind vomit.  And what better way to absorb vomit than a web blog.  I can drink up all my experiences and then offer them up to the porcelain computer laptop gods.

I will try in good faith to post something everyday or other day, or the day of, or the day after the day after tomorrow, or the day before that day that is not after the day that is today.   Obviously things evolve over time, or so says Darwin, and this blog may do the same or maybe it will just de-volve--as the 80's supergroup Asia sang "Only Time Will Tell."(yes that is the first of many pop culture references to come.)

As for specifics of what will be written, hmmm, well maybe some food things, some book things, some travel things and mostly some everyday things.  I guess an ultimate goal is to use the blog as a reason to get out of the house and try things to garner new experiences and then share, annoy, bother, tattle, expound about all the minutae of it to those around me and of course those out there who have 9 seconds to spare in the course of their busy, ho-hum, why am I still working here day.  And if reading is really boring you then click the link on your upper left and you can view my flickr photos.  There are lots of pretty colors and foreign places you might like better.

That's enough for today as I don't want to overwhelm folks in these got get it done---ADD addled---oooh shiny thing---times.  Let's finish on a high note with some useless trivia question where the answer will be provided in the next post:

Do porcupines masturbate?

