to paraphrase Michael Stipe as it were.  But If I had $20 (inflation you know) every time someone said the world was ending....I'd have enough for a really nice dinner somewhere. Which is great since it would supposedly be my last meal,  which by the way would involve lots of lobster and cake with plenty of icing.  But I digress.  By now it's already past 6pm somewhere down under in the world and no major earthquake catastrophes as predicted by Harold Camping on his Family Radio network of stations. (Or maybe no one down there is worthy?)  The man's net worth, by the way, hovers somewhere around $72 million!  So who says rapture doesn't pay.  Others are cashing in also, since Camping says pets are not sentient beings and thus not Rapturable, a group of atheists will gladly take care of your pets with After Rapture Pet Care for a mere $135, a bargain if you consider the cost of your last vet bill.  Still one really needs to check out the video interview with this guy, the man is 89 years old so he is probably near his own end of world times but he talks about the dead raising up out of their graves or something which sounds more like a zombie apocalypse which is pretty good timing seeing as how the CDC has released it's own zombie survival guide.  Handy right?!

He says he figured the date using the Jewish Feast Days in the Hebrew Calendar, the lunar month, a Gregorian calendar and then infused them into the now along with some Bible dates including when the Crucifixion happened, something about Noah's flood then multiplying a bunch of 7's together then adding 1 and then if the train is moving at 70mphs but you are traveling at 45mphs while carrying a load of apples how long will the sun take to implode, or something like that.  But he does say things will actually occur at 6pm PDT, because you know he now is living in Oakland CA (a Bay Area resident, oh joy) and everything revolves around California especially since like most evangelicals he blames the Gays, among other things, so why not be in the hotbed of gay Oakland.  I mean a recent survey in The Advocate has actually shown that Minneapolis is now the gayest city in America.  So shouldn't he be based there seeing as how end of times should start at the epicenter?  And by they way it's this kind of survey that has made The Advocate a no longer viable source for Gay and Lesbian news issues, but I digress.  Beyond that though, it seems we still have a few hours to find God, get some supplies and pack our bags since the time he states is just for the Rapture, he says the world will linger in the throes of various catastrophes until October 12 when it will completely implode.  Though he doesn't say how, and strangely never mentions the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which is odd as well, as it's in the Bible, the book he is basing he predictions on.

With all this happening it was interesting to note that Camping has hired a PR firm, for you know, just in case nothing happens.  It's sort of like faith and religion in general---you don't have to go to church and faithfully read and follow the Bible but it's still good to have a little faith in you, for you know just in case there is an afterlife.  Finally to bring all this into perspective we really have to look no further than Esther, the receptionist at the Family Radio offices who when asked by CNN what she thought, had this to say: "I don't believe in any of this stuff that's going on, and I plan on being here next week."

Ah, Esther, a voice of reason in a swirl of insanity and all I can say is "Bless You."

Answer to last posts trivia: The Lakers.  Yes they've won 16, second most to the Celtics 17, but they've lost 15, thus they have been to the finals more than any other team.  No wonder everyone but LA hates the Lakers.
This posts trivia question: What four things do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent?
