Over the past few weeks it seems San Francisco has been getting a lot of national press (here, here--this one very NSFW, and here)  about a proposed new law that would have nudists put on pants before going into restaurants and putting down a towel before they sit in down in what would be common space public areas.  Now before I go any further, it must be stated that public nudity is not against the law in San Francisco, which I'm sure doesn't surprise people.  You can be nude as long as you are not being lewd--basically making it sexual.  Though I think all the press we are getting about this, especially the nude-ins that were held recently, only serve to re-enforce peoples opinion of us as a town of anything goes, which sometimes seems like it can be true but in this instance I think it's not all it's "cracked" up to be.

When I moved to the Bay Area some 13 years ago, my first encounter with naked folks happened not in San Francisco but in Berkeley.  I went down to Telegraph Avenue to look around some of the shops and record stores and there on the corner was a group of nudist just hanging out--so to speak--playing bongos.  And of course if you walk near them you did get a waft of patchouli and pot.  And while I did a minor gawk, as most were women--and old--I just chalked it up to the out-thereness of Berkeley that I had always heard about.  You know what I mean, California the land of fruits and nuts as they say pretty much everywhere but here.

The first time I ever saw nudity in San Francisco was at the Folsom Street Fair (which just recently took place) and that is kind of what you go there to see.  And since that time I have seen the regular naked guys (usually the same 2 guys) that "hang" around the Castro.  But they are just walking around. I can understand where Supervisor Wiener (yes that is his name--unfortunate coincidence or cosmic confluence--you be the judge) is coming from with this proposed law.  I mean I certainly don't want to sit down on something that has recently come into contact with someones big sweaty naked ass.  And let's face it, most of the nudists one sees are big, hairy and wrinkly.  Neither a pleasant sight nor something you want to come into direct contact with.  Though I have to say in all my time spent around town I've never actually seen a naked person in any restaurant I've eaten at.  Granted I've seen a few at bars here and there, but when some gay men get drunk they tend to strip down--mostly claiming they are too hot from dancing and want to feel the cool air on their skin. Sometimes you don't mind, most times you'd rather they got dressed.  But really as a whole, it's rare to see that many naked people around.  Especially since many of the stories being printed make it seem like they are just everywhere on a regular basis in this town, which as I said before, just makes those who don't live here shake their heads and sigh, "Californians."

I'm just here to say, don't judge a book by it's lack of cover.  Yes there is the occasional naked guy wandering around the Castro, but usually it's in connection with Pride or some other event going and not something you see every single day.  Which, seriously, is a good thing.  As you can see if you click on the links above and peruse the pictures (it must have been a cold day for the protest) San Francisco has much prettier sights to see than some old naked guys.  As for the proposed law, I think Wieners intention may be good, I just don't think it was well thought out or researched, because as with most things, all is not quite as it seems, no matter what the press says.  And really, if the naked guys were better looking do you think anyone would be having this discussion?

Answer to previous posts trivia question: London Ontario Canada
This posts trivia question:  What and where was the first nudist camp?
