Me and the SO have an ongoing conversation that goes something like this:

the SO--"Awww...puppy!  Oh, I want a dog!"
Me--"I don't want to take care of a dog."
SO--"I will take care of it."
Me--"Yeah and what happens that first time you have to work late and you call and ask me to take the thing for a walk.  I'm not taking care of no dog."
SO--"Then can we get a kid."
Me--"Yeah why not then the kid can take of dog and you can take care of the kid.  But I ain't taking care of either of them. I don't want the responsibility."
SO--"'re no fun you won't let me have anything I want."
Me--"I'm not stopping you from having a dog, I'm just not taking care of one and it's not allowed in the bedroom either."
SO--"Now your putting parameters on it."
Me--"And the first time you ask me to walk it you are going to come home and find it waiting on the deck for you to walk it yourself."
SO--"You're so mean!"
Me--"Ugh..whatever I'm still not taking care of no dog."

It's a good natured discussion because I know he wants a dog but he doesn't really want the responsibility and I don't want the headache, the responsibility, the vet bills, the food bills. etc., and forget about trying to take a vacation---it's like having a child except they won't be around to take care of you when you get older.  The SO's under the impression I don't like dogs, which isn't true (cats maybe, but not dogs).  I consider dogs like children--I'm ok with them in small doses but once that is over they are fine to go back to their owner or birther.  Plus it seems I'm one of those folks that animals just seem drawn to whether I want them to be or not.  It's like they sense I don't really care and take that as some bizarre challenge to come nuzzle my crotch or shed on my black pants.  Also it's not like I never had a pet, I had several growing up, though in all honesty the idea of having them was not mine or my sisters idea, it was our mothers.  She liked pets more than either of us.  Whenever we heard the phrase "don't you want a dog?" from her we knew it would be followed by the appearance of one whether we really wanted one or not.  This continued for my mother the rest of her life as she eventually ended up living on a farm with dogs, cats, goats, horses, guineas (a type of bird), a couple of mules and 30 some head of Galloway cows--a special cow with a white stripe around the middle, mostly known as belties.

I'll be the first to admit I'm selfish and just don't want all the rigamorrow that goes along with it.  Plus I think having a dog in an apartment is unfair to the dog.  They really need room to run and roam and being able to open a backdoor and just let them go.  And yeah, yeah I know there are those small dog things but please, they are like cats that bark and they are afraid of their own shadows--I mean really what's the point of that.

Some article somewhere citing some census or something said there are more dogs in San Francisco than children, and having lived here all these years I believe it--but I will not be the one who helps increase this number any further than it already is.

Answer to previous posts trivia question:  It's October 11th every year
This posts trivia question:  What is the most popular dog breed in the US?

(FYI--for anyone--sorry for the delay in post but seems we had "one bad apple" to quote the Osmonds.  Our machine went down and had to go to the Mac hospital.  Hopefully it's fine now--fingers crossed.)
