It's the weekend before Thanksgiving and Twilight: Breaking Hymens or something, the 12th installment in the never ending series hit theaters with a bang and seems on par to rake in something like $150 million in just 3 days!!!  That's a lot of money for something that is really really bad, and if you don't believe me just read the reviews for it on Rotten Tomatoes or better yet, don't bother.  Now the SO is really into this for god knows whatever reason, I mean he likes vampire stuff and what not but this fascination I just don't understand.  He read all the books first and that sort of got him hooked, I tried getting through the first book but it was so badly written (and edited--hello spellcheck) that I found the book worked better as a projectile as I hurled it across the room to kill a giant spider.  The spider just laughed me when I missed surely thinking you can't kill me with that trash, unless you are trying to bore me to death.

Now even with all this distaste, when the first movie came out I decided (was dragged along) to go with him and we took (as hostage) a couple friend with us.  She'd read and loved the books he could have cared less, though not as less as me.  I had a small hope that possibly the director Catherine Hardwicke could overcome the book and maybe someone was able to script it better and things might be interesting, but well, what can I say except that was six hours of my life I will never get back.  Ok so it wasn't six hours, maybe more like three but god it felt so much longer.  All the characters did through the entire movie was brood and give brooding looks and mope and maybe sparkle a little bit in the sun but it had to be some of the worst acting I've ever seen, worse even than some of those Saturday night made-for-SyFy network movies.

I've not let the SO forget what he put me through and every now and then I remind him at times when he doesn't want to do something that "hey I saw Twilight for you."  It worked--for a while.  I also absolutely refused to go see the 2 follow-ups and now that the third in the inexhaustable saga has arrived I refused that also, though he did ask if he really wanted me to go would I go.  I gave a long sigh (enough to blow up a balloon) and said if he really wanted me to go I guess I would.  They tell me that when you are in a relationship you sometimes have to do stuff you don't want to, which is fine, but sheesh, this is just cruel and unusual punishment.  Fortunately for me, all I had to do was say I would go if he wanted and then he let off the hook.  I mean seriously, how could I go having not seen the other ones, I would be totally lost in the narrative thread and wouldn't know what's going on?!  To this of course the SO just rolls his eyes at me and my facetious sarcasm.  Anyone who has seen the trailers and ad nauseum commercials could tell you what the whole frackin' thing is about without ever having gone.

I guess I just find it sad that such a bad movie will make so much money (fortunately there is only one more to go in the series unless Stephanie Meyer suddenly needs even more cash) but I guess stuff like this always happens, there a plenty of bad movies out there that have made a ton of money, I mean look at Adam Sandler, he's made quite the career out of crapness.  I would say we could blame 12 year old girls and gays for the Twilight success, but that wait let's blame them.  12 year old girls and tweeners I can look past as they are young and impressionable and peer pressured, my fellow gays however--you should know better.  Granted we can elevate trash (see John Waters) to cult status but this is unforgivable in so many ways, especially when the films are so bad.  And I don't mean good bad like Showgirls, I mean bad bad like Gigli or Battlefield Earth awfulness.

In the grand scheme of things this is all just silliness and whatnot and really there is no accounting for taste---different people enjoy different things.  Still is just makes me sigh, what will be next.

Answer to previous posts trivia question: The Queen's Messenger in 1928 from Schenectady New York.
This posts trivia question: How many languages has the Twilight series been translated into?
