Faux pop girl angst meets faux rock growler and falls in love--ears everywhere die a slow death. We all know Canada doesn't have a population the size of the U.S. but seriously of all the people to meet and possibly get married who would have thought it would be Chad Kroeger of Nickleback and Avril Lavigne? 

I say possibly because they haven't actually gotten married yet and until they do anything could happen. Cynical, yes, but, sadly I follow of pop culture crap and there are many celebrity pitfalls on the road to the final "I Do." Avril is after all the person who broke up roughly 8 months ago from Brody Jenner of all people and this would be her second! marriage at the ripe old age of 27. Avril burst onto the scene as the poppier version of Alanis Morrisette--think Taylor Swift type songs but from a Canadian perspective and with a rock pop beat. Ah teen girl angst makes for such fun pop songs with a great hook--who knew?  Though in actuality she really tried to start as a brooding rocker girl with her first album and then when the second album came out, yes it debuted at number 1 but faded fast so she traded that schtick for peppy girl pop a la Gwen Stefani with her song "Girlfriend" which got her a number 1 single. Since then it's been mostly miss and her last few records have not lived up to sales expectations and now she is turning to Chad Kroeger--who oddly enough for a "rock star" has never been married.

Now I know Nickleback has their mysterious fans, even here in the states, after all they've had 2 albums sell over 6 million copies and 2 others sell over a million and you can't really do that if you don't have fans--or maybe they are the exception--there's always one. And considering the amount of hating, bashing and derision the name of the band raises (almost as bad as Creed) one has to wonder just who all their fans are and who exactly is buying all these albums?  Even newspapers in their own country wonder such things. Then again why waste my energy on that when I can just wonder, laugh, cry, look shocked that Avril and Chad have found each other in the musical wilderness of Canada.  Though it makes you wonder why some other famous Canadian musicians haven't found each other before now.  I mean there have been many a successful one here in the States like Paul Anka, Anne Murray, Celine Dion, Michael Buble and many more. (And hook-ups don't count--you up an coming young posters--maybe)

Is this the end of pop music as we know it? No, if that didn't happen when Paris Hilton had a top 20 Billboard hit it's not going to happen now. Though it's not to say it isn't a sign of the apocalypse or a-pop-alypse.  Even Huffington Post wonders if it's the end.  Seriously though, is this any worse than Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, I mean he's calling her his muse for god's sakes--are big asses really that inspiring?  And Miley Cyrus doing dub step--wasn't it bad enough when Korn did it must we be besieged by more Skrillex madness? (And yes I'll blame him)

Pop music has weathered many an affront over the years--grunge, dubstep, punk--just to name a few and it will probably weather this one. It is happening in Canada and like many a thing there it will probably just fade into the gossip realm wilderness and we will forget about it and move on until there actually is a wedding where Anne Murray acts as the minister, Paul Anka and Celine Dion sing a duet of "Going To the Chapel", Justin Bieber and Carly Rae Jepsen are ring bearer and flower girl and Bryan Adams does a guitar solo as they ride off into the sunset in their 4-wheel drive limo.  And then we will all pray that their inevitable duets album will be the end of Nickleback and after spending 6 weeks at number 1 in Canada will barely scrape the charts here and we can get on with our lives wondering when Jaden Smith and Blue Ivy Carter will start dating.
