Just when you think it's safe to come out of the closet publicly then you become the point person in a supposedly cheating boyfriend scandal....ahhh....the joys of the internet.  I would say poor Anderson Cooper, but seriously, he's not really poor (his mother is Gloria Vanderbilt after all) and he does have a pretty decent job (or two or three).  Barely a month on from Mr. Cooper outing himself and then photos of his "alleged boyfriend/fiancee" Benjamin Maisani hit the web, showing him making out with some young thing who is definitely not Mr. Cooper.  All of this went down on August 11th, one day after Mr. Cooper and said boyfriend headed off for a getaway in beautiful Croatia. And when I say beautiful I mean it, Croatia is the new hot travel spot for folks in the know, especially the Croatian coast, me and the SO are hoping to plan our own getaway there, but back to the point at hand.

We know he's in Croatia because one day after the photos hit the web Mr. Cooper started posting Instagram photos of himself in Croatia along with some other traveling companions that include Kelly Ripa and Andy Cohen! Though oddly--no photos of the "allegedly" cheating boyfriend. Plus I'm surprised Kathy Griffin is not there, though it is possible that as soon as she saw the photos she was on a plane to intercede and console him....though according to this suppositional article maybe not.

Except for the occasional giggle fit and the introduction of his mother Mr. Cooper has managed to keep much of his personal life private.  Quite the rare feat in this technological day and age.  While we see the paparazzi photos of him and the "boyfriend" we really have no idea what their true relationship is like, is about, is carried out, etc.  They very well could have an open relationship and not be bound by the terms of what people consider a standard relationship--whatever that is.  Whenever two people get together they usually try to set ground rules that work best for them depending on what kind of relationship they each are looking for.  From the outside looking in it may seem different to others but to them it works and and as long as they are two agreeing adults then more power to them.  Which just leaves me wondering whether I should feel bad for Mr. Cooper or whether I should feel like hey I might have chance.  Okay, that's a bit of a stretch but for me he is my one, and by that I mean the one celebrity that I am allowed to cheat on with as approved by the SO.  (His is Ryan Gosling which is fine with me, though Eva Mendes has been hitting that so that makes me worry about Mr. Gosling taste level but that's another story.)

Granted I know I have a better chance of winning the lottery but I guy can dream can't he?  I mean I do find him attractive especially when he wears those nerdy glasses but he's also smart which is a great plus in a man.  Once the sex is over is want to be able to carry on a least I do. And I also read is sort of memoir "Dispatches From the Edge."  It's really more a collection of his travels to disasters (he looks good wet in a hurricane) and worn torn countries (wearing his vaguely military shirt or tight black t-shirt).  Though of course being me I read a lot between the lines.  What I saw was a young man who, after the shocking suicide of his brother (he left no note) suddenly felt lost and trying to break free of the constraints and confines of us his upper west upbringing set out into the world looking for meaning in his life and trying to help people along the way.  Fortunately for him he came from money and trust funds and was able to accomplish something most of us would not be able to.  I mean seriously who has $1500 cash in their pocket in the middle of Rwanda? (If you read or have read his book that makes more sense.)

I do hope though that Andy Cohen is merely there as a hanger on kind of friend (as that is how he comes across--that and a bit drunk) and not some kind of rebound shoulder to cry and sex on because then I would really be disappointed.  I know Mr. Cooper likes a good laugh and Cohen is good for that but leave the sex out of can only come to no matter what Mr. Cooper's "Housewives of Whatever" obsession is.  I can only stand firm in my conviction that he is smarter than going down that road.  Though I'm sure Cohen is a lovely guy, bless his heart.

One thing I do need to bring up after looking at the photos is that if they do indeed have an open relationship then someone needs to tell the young that Maisani is with that it is just a sex thing and nothing more. Over the years I have known couples in these types of relationships and the one overriding thing is that the sex is fine, every now and then, but no falling in love and don't lead the sex object on either. One look at the look in that other man's eyes and you can plainly see that he's got a case of the puppy loves going on and that to him, at least, this is more than just a casual fling, which in most cases is breaking the rules.

All in all it's probably a good thing that Mr. Cooper is on vacation and not on a nightly newscast, that way he isn't really forced to talk about the photos or answer what could be uncomfortable questions about his private life, since we already know it is something he is want to do. Maybe if he is lucky it will all pass by the time he gets back considering we do live in an ADD constant state of new information need type of world now and by the time he returns some other big news story or shocking gossip will hit the fan and people will have moved on and forgotten all about him.  Then again once something is posted on the web it really is there for eternity, one screen shot and it's pretty much over.  But one never knows, Mr. Cooper might surprise us all yet again and come clean about his relationship and have a heartfelt talk and sit down with Oprah, spilling his guts about what is really going on. I mean he seems to be such a fan of the reality television world and he does host a talk show and if you want to be part of that world you kind of have to open up about yourself the same way you are trying to dig into other people's lives.  It is after all what makes one more relatable to the audience and keeps them coming back for more day after day. And no one is probably more aware of that fact than Mr. Cooper himself.

P.S. Mr. Cooper-----call or email me if you want to chat--seriously I'll make no judgements--and I might even make you laugh your "maybe" pain away.
