Beyonce released, dropped, posted, put out, let go in the internet world a new single called "Bow Down/I Been On" and here it is:

Hmmmmm.......that was.....welllll.....I don't really know what that was...maybe I need to listen to that again. Ow, ow...okay stop. Wow someones been listening to Skrillex a bit too much or was massively inspired by "Harlem Shake" --watching too many of it's virile videos on YouTube. Of course I should preface this all by saying I've liked a lot of the stuff Beyonce has put out over the years, I even bought that last so-so album "4". I mean "Love On Top" really is an underrated gem and deserved more airplay. That being said, this song really is a train wreck of an idea mixing pseudo dub-step, electronica, rap, etc to create something that is at times, painful to listen to. I guess the bigger question is what was she thinking or better yet, is she at that point as an artist/celebrity that she gets an idea and runs with it while her producers/handlers/friends just nod their heads along telling her this is great, she's the best and continue her delusion that this was worth releasing on the world? I could add that maybe she is just experimenting with stuff and thought hey, let's put it out there cause my fans are really gonna love me stretching myself as an artist, but I think she proved with that last album that folks are not big fans of "the experimenting." I mean this is worse than "Run The World (Girls)". And let's face it, there is a reason she did a medley of her old solo hits and some Destiny's Child stuff at the Super Bowl--this new stuff just ain't cutting it.

It seems to be a phase she is going through, just like Mr. Timberlake, though at least his stuff is halfway listenable, this so clearly is not. Sure, she may think she needs to try and stretch herself as an artist, but I say for someone like Beyonce it isn't necessary or something we are really looking for her to do. She's got a better than most voice and killer dance moves and if she wants to try a different sound than she should call up Calvin Harris and go clubby, I mean it work for Rihanna who can't really dance and has an okay-ish voice. Think of what it could do for Beyonce. Hopefully this is just a small blip on her musical horizon and it won't make the final cut of her next album seeing as how across the board, folks don't like this. Though coming on the heels of a less than stellar last album, I still have concerns that she's not listening to the people that really matter most--those of us who actually still buy music and not download illegally. (Seriously, I hope she's not turning into Gwyneth Paltrow and totally losing touch with the reality of the rest of us.)

If nothing else she did manage to keep her name out there and become a bit of polarizing talk on the internet in between her Super Bowl appearance, her "documentary" and whenever her next album comes out. I can only hope at this point this is merely a blip on the road to her releasing the banging R&B/club dance album we so desperately want from her to return her to the top of the charts, because this single clearly is none of that. All I have to say is---GIRL SNAP OUT OF IT AND GET YOUR DANCE ON!!
