American Idol Ain't Got Nothing on Eurovision

And what might you ask is Eurovision?  Besides being the greatest pop culture music showcase in the world it's also a screechy, bombastic vision of nationalistic pride performed through song and dance and watched by over a billion people worldwide.  That's right a billion.  It is both ridiculous and engrossing and definitely not to be missed. Once a year countries throughout Europe (43 this year) put together a musical act and a song and enter a competition to see who is the best.  Two semi-final rounds narrow the list to 25 and from there winners are chosen by country votes (no country can vote for themselves) with points ranging from 12,10,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and yes they poll all 43 countries and if you think a lot of it isn't political your totally delusional. Plus, so as not to overwhelm the audience with spectacle you are only allowed to have 6 people on the stage, dancers, singers, acrobats, musicians whatever as long as it's six.  That's just the basics, what makes it so fascinating is the glimpse it gives into the culture of other countries as they believe the acts and songs they are putting forth are the best they have to offer, which in many cases is strictly a matter of opinion or in a few instances tone deafness.

Though not all the acts induce hilarity, this is the competition that launched ABBA after they won for "Waterloo" in 1974.  Other past winners have included Celine Dion in 1988, singing for Switzerland of all places, Katrina and the Waves for the UK in 1997 trying to regain relevance but failing to sustain it, Dana International--a transsexual(!) from Israel(!) in 1998 and the irrepressible Lulu for the UK in 1969 to name a few.  Mostly though, the acts are never heard from again, does anyone really remember the shocking win for the Lordi, the death metal band from Finland a few years ago? Thought not.

Songs can run the gamut but for the most part they fall into four basic categories.  The power ballad, we all know and probably sing 'em privately in our showers.  The pop dance toe tapper, hey it worked for ABBA.  The uplifting anthem (usually of chest thumping nationalism) that could play across the end credits of any I survived/I won/I overcame type of movie.  And finally what can only be called the truly bizarre--how did that make it--is this country serious--oh god my ears are bleeding--singalong.  And this years crop is no exception (Though my personal favorite "Celebrate" by Darla from Croatia did not make to the finals--she was robbed I tell ya'.)  To see the 25 countries that made this years finals just click the following link:   you won't be disappointed.

This year in a tightly controlled 2 hours each of the 25 acts starting with Finland and finishing with the Republic of Georgia performed in a humongous soccer stadium in Dusseldorf Germany, as the previous years winner is always the host.  I won't go into detail about each one as quite a few were forgettable but some highlights/lowlights did stand out.  Finland sang a song about saving the earth or something, ugh, slow and boring "Da Da Dam" you for getting things off slowly, though he did when the Press' award vote.  Otherwise song was like a boring version of the Crash Test Dummies "Mmmmmmm" song.  Anyone remember that?  Then Bosnia/Herzegovina looked like a band of gypsies reminiscent of Dexy's Midnight Runners, but bathed.  I did rather enjoy Hungary's "What About My Dreams?" very dance, probably sounds even better on E.  Ireland had twin brothers Jedward  made famous on Britain's X Factor. Sang something called "Lipstick" which was about the only word you could understand but their performance had to be the best of the night, the screen graphics the jumping around, they should have won for just pure showmanship.  Estonia looked like the rebirth of Aqua just not as good.  Greece, yuck is all I can say, part rapped by a wanna be Eminem with a sparkly hat and part sung by a guy who thought he was all that, but clearly wasn't.  The UK brought boyband Blue out of retirement as their entry "I Can" though alas they couldn't and probably should have stayed retired.  Moldova, was well, odd, part ska, part shouting, and then some girl on a unicycle wearing a fairy and a pointy hat, pretend playing a flute horn thing.  Actually all the band had on pointy hats and looked like Devo reinvented for the 90's.    Germany's Lena, also last years winning singer, just looked she needed to eat, maybe it would have helped her screeching tribute to Bjork plus the song, "Taken by a Stranger"---creepy.  And just as creepy was Russia's Alexej singing "I've been watching you, I know you want me, I'm gonna Get You".  Can you say stalker?  France, I swear the singer looked like a refugee from Le Miz and sang some boring "Songu" like an opera.  Yawn.  Serbia's Nina was very Swing Out Sister 60's throwback, looked like Goldie Hawn circa Laugh In.   Sweden's Eric Saade was evidently a favorite to win and while he was quite cute the song, "Popular" was pop fluff to the extreme and not in a good way, they only way he'd get popular would be to sleep with everyone, which by the look of his all male dance troupe back-ups he probably did.  Italy's "Madness of Love" by Raphael Gualazzi seemed woefully out of place, probably could have won Eurovision--the 1930's version.  And then there was Azerbaijan, "Running Scared", the light show looked like UFO's which is probably what they were running from or the fact that they looked like brother/sister singing to each other ala Donny/Marie, anyway you look at it more creepyness.  You can catch all the performances on You Tube and by way of the link listed above to truly judge for yourself.

And yet folks, who would have thought, but Azerbaijan actually won.  A small country of the former Soviet Union nestled on the Caspian Sea, right below Russia and right above Iran.  Which I'm sure thrilled the other countries who will have to travel there for next years Eurovision.
 Ell/Nikki and some back-up trash

Italy came in second and Sweden came in third, and honestly it wasn't that close as Azerbaijan was far ahead even before final votes were counted.  And while watching the voting the political lines were quite obvious and the often floated theory of Eastern Block country voting did not diminish with this years competition.  Europeans need to get their own act together especially if they UK ever expects to win this again.  Alas, now it's all over but they cryin' of other countries, so until next years contest--cheers!

Last posts trivia answer: "Manic Monday" the Bangles first hit which peaked at #2 in 1986.
Today's trivia question: What is the only country to win Eurovision three straight times and in what years.
