That's right me and the Significant Other (from here on out referred to as SO) bought a lovely leather and metal two-seater couch for the study/second bedroom/room with the other tv we go watch when we argue about what we each want to watch on the tv in the main room.  Ok, so I know it's just a couch, I mean it's not like we bought a house or a car or a pet or a child together, but still.....when is a couch not just a couch?

As a bit of background we dated for 4 years and lived together for 1 added up that's like forever in gay years.  And the SO has been looking for a couch for at least that same amount of time.  And once I moved in it became our search.  We both like to research and look and test out to find the right thing when making purchases.  I did when I decided to finally get a flat screen tv.  I bugged everyone I knew who might have an opinion and read the reviews went to Best Buy and Circuit City (when they were still around) so many times you'd have thought I worked there.  Till finally I dragged the SO to Video Only one night because of a sale they were having and even then spent the next hour haranguing the sales person about two models before I could see the look in his and the SO's eyes that basically screamed--JUST BUY THE DAMN THING ALREADY!  But it was pretty much our approach to finding the right couch also.

And here we were standing in a store that just happens to be across the street from where we live sitting on this modern looking two-seater thinking is this is?  Was the search over?  Were we really gonna do this?  My initial reaction was I liked it--it fits the space--it's got a look and style we can both agree on (a sometimes rare occurrence) let's BUY THE DAMN THING before we change our minds.  I looked at the sales lady and said "How lucky for you just before you close--we'll take it.  Can you split the cost on 2 credit cards?"  And there it was a co-mingling major purchase.  Eeeks really.  The only other thing we split a cost on was an area rug for the main room.  But this was a piece of furniture---a solid metal and leather stationary piece---that even though we'd been looking for a while still felt spur of the moment.  Was this really the one?  Are we making the right choice?  Is this just a metaphor for something bigger? Is the sun gonna come out tomorrow? Ugh..I sighed to myself stop over thinking and give the woman your credit card, which I did, then he did and suddenly we owned a couch.

I don't know, sometimes I do over think instead of just going with it, I like spur of the moment--just as long as I've planned for it and been notified ahead of time.  But let's be honest buying a large item together is a sign of commitment...and in this case mostly a commitment to having some place to sit when you get banished to the other room because you just can't watch Twilight/Harry Potter/Resident Evil one more time.  OK so it works both ways and the SO will have a place to sit also when I decide I want to watch tennis or a basketball game or HGTV.  And isn't that what living together is all about, finding common ground and making decisions together so you don't turn into War of the Roses and each of you has a comfortable space to escape to when you are momentarily sick of the other one.  Aaahhhh....coupledom.

To usurp a famous misquotation----sometimes a couch is just a couch.  But in this instance it's our couch, and I'm okay with that..I think

Last weeks trivia answer: Yes--very carefully
This weeks trivia question:  Which Bangles hit did Prince write?

