So I just spent 4 hot days in a brown LA haze and while there I met a young man (minds out of the gutter people the SO was there too--ok that sounds even worse but several other folks we also there and we were all dressed with hands on drinks on the table) let's call him "Teddy" and he told an interesting tale.  He had recently met another young man, whom we will call "Jeff", in his building who seemed nice and really cute and they started casual dating, as he called it.  LA Pride weekend rolls around and "Jeff" says he is busy thus leaving "Teddy" to go with his bestest girlfriend "Susie".  They see the parade then head to the Pride grounds and are having a gay old time so to speak when they decide to have a giggle and visit the Falcon Studios (NSFW) booth.  For those who don't want to click the link and be assaulted with so much depravity, all I can say is--why not?!!  But seriously, it's a gay male pornapalooza and they have been making gay porn for years and years....and years.  While at the booth "Teddy" sees a poster of someone who looks amazingly like "Jeff", but surely that can't be right?  But there he is with his bare butt in the air wearing nothing but a jockstrap and a smile.  "Susie" says wait isn't that "Jeff" and "Teddy" blanches white--yes it is.  And look "Susie" says isn't that him on the video screen that's sitting on that toilet.  "Teddy" gulps--yes it is.  OMG says "Susie" are they peeing on him while he you know jerks off? Yes, "Teddy" says that is exactly what is happening.

What happened next is still a point of discussion between "Teddy" and "Susie" but it seemed to involve howling laughter (mostly hers) some tears (mostly his) some screaming, some yelling, some hysteria, some shock, possibly some unconfirmed hand flailing and definitely a lot of drinking later in the evening.  After having a few days to pull himself together, "Teddy" sat down with "Jeff" and asked flat out--do you do porn?  Why yes, "Jeff" said I do.  And people pee on you?  Well, that was just a couple scenes but not everyone says "Jeff".  Again here, "Teddy" got a little sketchy with details, even though we were plying him with drinks to get the full story, but it seems there were some tears (mostly "Jeff's") some door slamming, and some more drinking (mostly "Teddy").  And ultimately a break-up where "Teddy" goes back to his own life and "Jeff", believe it or not actually quit the porn business and moved back home--to some "really tiny state on the East Coast".  "Teddy" said "Jeff" told him he really liked him and that this was the last straw as several previous boyfriends had also broken up with him after they found out he did porn and he'd just had enough of it and LA and was leaving.  "Teddy", however, did not take the opportunity to say we could still go out if you quit porn, he just decided he couldn't get past the fact that "Jeff" had slept with all these men, on tape, for all to see.  The peeing part was just the kicker that caused the water to splash out of the bowl as it were.

After hearing this story I thought for a while and realized I could see where "Teddy" was coming from, I mean he was still young (as in several decades younger than me) and recently out of law school and just starting a career and let's be honest, how would he introduce the boy to his fellow partners at the firm during social functions?  I mean, come on, it's LA, there are lots of gay lawyers there and surely some of them watch porn and would no doubt recognize "Jeff" sooner or later.  It is the kind of thing tabloid scandals are made of.  In the end, "Teddy" has to do what he thinks is right for himself.

Then I think, could I have a porn star boyfriend, and the answer is no, at least not one still in porn.  Former porn star boyfriend, yes, current porn star boyfriend no.  As one gets more mature the idea that you could meet and date someone who doesn't have a past is a bit ludicrous and downright delusional.  We all have pasts, some more colorful than others and it's those pasts that have made us who were are today.  If someone is still a good person, then the porn past just adds a bit of spice and makes for interesting cocktail party conversation.  Plus it probably means they are also really hot and can introduce you to some new experiences in bed and there ain't nothing wrong with that.  So remember kids....it's not so much where you've been as it is where you are going and the kind of person you've become when you get there.

Answer to previous posts trivia: "The Birthday Song"
This posts trivia question: what/when was the first gay porn movie in the US? 
