It's just another overcast Sunday here in San Francisco and me and the SO decided--hey why not cross the street to AT&T Park as they are having a Discovery Science Fair for kids.  Okay, I know what you are thinking, science fair? kids? together, really?  Yes really, me and the SO occasionally enjoy discovering science like on the Science Channel or Discovery so why not it could be fun(ish) and besides the SO acts like a 12 year old sometimes and I can be petulant so we should fit right in!  

Normally spending time with a hoard of screaming children is not my thing but they all seemed to be otherwise enthralled by the "experiments" that were lined up throughout the ballpark.  I use the term loosely as most of the stuff was very elementary and junior high school stuff.  Nothing too hard or complex.  They did have one table that had human organs--a brain, a heart, the small intestine, a kidney, but they all looked like they had been in formaldehyde for some time so they were all brownish and stinky which of course is what the kids love.  

We wandered around the upper level for a bit before making our way down onto the field.  Up until this time I hadn't really noticed that there was music blasting out of the stadium speakers as you couldn't hear it all that well inside the building.  Once we hit the field though it came through loud and clear.  I had to stop for a moment and listen to what was playing and what, why yes Virginia they were playing "S&M" by Rihanna.  Now if you are not familiar with the lyrics to this song click here.  So picture it:  all these kids running around screaming while Rihanna sings: 

Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it 
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it 
Sticks and stones may break my bones 
But chains and whips excite me

Not exactly what you'd expect to hear at a science fair but hey kids today.  Most of them didn't even seem to be aware of what was playing.  I didn't even see any of the parents reacting either, then most of them seemed either bored, harried, sleepy or drunk so music probably wasn't on their minds either.  But it gets better as the next song that came on was Britney Spears "Hold It Against Me" sample lyrics: 

Gimme somethin' good
Dont' wanna wait I want it now
Pop it like a hood
And show me how you work it out

And if you like find the whole song here.  Yet not to be outdone it was then followed by "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People, full lyrics here sample lyrics:

All the other kids with their pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, better outrun my gun
All the other kids with their pumped up kicks
You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet

No I'm not a prude about, as a matter of fact we thought it was hilarious.  But as we looked around the teeming screaming masses--the kids, well, they just couldn't seem to care.  ADD, over stimulation, too much technology, growing up faster, Ritalin, hyped up parents--who knows.  Kids today.  We had a good laugh and then made our way home, leaving the madness behind.  

Answer to previous posts trivia question: Frying Pan Lake in Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley New Zealand is the world's largest hot spring. 
This posts trivia question:  
