The holidays are a great time of year of to have fun with friends and family and enjoy the spirit of the season, candy canes, bright lights, gifting, decorations, hot chocolate, time-off work, etc.  Alas, they are also a time full of stressful shopping, pushy crowds, annoying whiny children, drunk relatives, throwing the perfect party, wrapping all those gifts, putting out all the decorations, smelly Santas, loud bell ringers, bad carollers, lack of cash, small credit balances, delayed travel, bad weather, etc.  Thus with all that goes on it is always best not to add to the already mounting stress, and if you follow my 10 holiday guidelines you can probably get through the holiday season in one piece--at least physically and hopefully mentally.  Herewith my list:

10.  Don't stop your exercise routine.  Yes we are all busy but you should make some time to do some kind of exercise as it serves a dual purpose by helping keep you calm and relieving stress and also to help with keeping the pounds down as you gorge your way through that second yule log cake and your 12th candy can.

9.  Do not drink and--wrap, decorate or fill out Christmas cards--it can only lead to problems from trees askew to wordy rambling notes you won't remember writing but no one will let you forget you ever wrote.

8.  Decorations should have a theme like winter wonderland or Santa's workshop--blow-up Santa's and snowmen do not necessarily go great next to a nativity scene.  Just because they sell them next to each other in the store doesn't mean they need to be that way at your place.  The idea is for people to look at your Christmas display with oohs and aahs and not to think that Santa threw up all over your lawn. 


7.  Don't give clothes as gifts.  Seriously, just don't even go there, if you like Christmas sweaters and what not then fine, buy them for yourself, and socks and underwear were not fun to get as a kid and not fun as an adult (unless they are edible--then maybe) but everyone has different tastes in what they like and think looks good on themselves and they secretly think you have no taste so best leave it be.

6.  Moderate your alcohol intake at social events.  Yes a glass or two can relax you and be a great social lubricant, but be careful to not over imbibe or next thing you know you are wearing a Santa hat and not much else and suddenly the office Christmas party becomes the awkward next day at work and all your Facebook friends know you wear blue boxers.  And really, who wants to be know as the drunk uncle at family gatherings.

5.  Don't wait till the last minute to buy your gifts otherwise you'll end up at the 7 Eleven at midnight wondering if grandma will be able to chew beef jerky with her dentures or whether Billy will notice they spelled Lego with two l's and two g's.  Remember--shop early or better yet--give cash--everyone loves cash.

4.  Take some time for yourself.  Yes that's right, have a little you time.  Don't overbook yourself so much it makes you crazy and next thing you know you are yelling at anyone in a Santa hat to back off or you'll show them where to put their Christmas cheer.  Sometimes it's good to just take a moment to relax before diving back into the holiday melee.

3.  Like your gift--whatever it is.  Yes, it may be an ugly sweater (see above) but your aunt/uncle/grandma/whatever spent their hard earned money on it and are basking in the glow of giving--SO DON'T SPOIL IT!  It's all about the giving so fake it, put on a happy face, do your best Meryl Streep to make them feel it's the bestest gift ever.  Take joy in the fact they actually remembered to get you something this year.  Then next year you can just take to a white elephant gift exchange and make someone else "happy".

2.  Leave old grudges behind--as in don't pack them in your pysche and bring them back home.  I'm not saying get over it, I'm saying let 'em go for the holidays in the best way you can.  It's about being together for the holidays not about fighting over that your sibling got a car for their 16th birthday and you got their old one.  So Aunt Sue who cares that Aunt Rose stole your boyfriend in high school--he was a douche anyway and it's not like they got married, knocked boots maybe, but not married.  Move on--be happy--enjoy the moment.

1.  Don't come out to your parents during the holidays!  Now I'm not saying not to come out, in fact I think everyone should come out and be proud, just don't do it at the holidays--we've all seen too many Lifetime movies where it doesn't work out and ruins the whole mood.  There is already too much stress without having to worry about acceptance or getting into arguments.  I suggest you come out to your parents in June or July when it's so hot and humid all they can muster is a "that's fine son--can you get me a big iced tea."  That way they will also have 6 whole months to get used to the idea when you bring your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/significant other home for the next Christmas holiday.

And there it is folks--learn it, live it, be it.  Now here's our Christmas tree!!

Answer to previous trivia question: 1980 Quebec Canada
This posts trivia question:  Where and what year was world's first Christmas tree?
