Just when you think that all ideas for new reality shows had dried up comes news that bacon is getting its own show.  The guys who have taken bacon to another level are doing a show--Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow, better known as The Bacon Boys, for their creation of such things as Bacon Salt, Baconnaise, Bacon popcorn, etc--have decided to show how they run their business and their personal lives for all the world to see.  The boys created the J&D Foods empire all based on bacon and I love/hate them for it and sadly I've tried pretty much all their product.  The baconnaise is just okay, it's like special sauce with a hint of smoked bacon but I found you had to put a lot on your sandwich to really taste the bacon so outside of eating it with a spoon I didn't think it was worth it.  The bacon salt isn't bad and it goes well flavoring popcorn though the bacon popcorn is pretty good so I'd say just get that instead.  They say everything is better with bacon but I'll hold judgement to see if that extends to reality programming.  And here's a recent plea I received directly from these gentlemen concerning their bacon popcorn:

Dear Friends,
We're writing this email to ask for your help. Specifically, we need 2 minutes of your time to help keep J&D’s BaconPOP in Kroger stores.
We recently learned that next month Kroger will be discontinuing Original BaconPOP and Cheddar BaconPOP in several corporate banners including Baker’s, City Market, Dillions, Fry’s, King Soopers, Kroger, Ralph’s and Smith’s stores. In communicating the decision to us, Kroger stated that though the sales of BaconPOP were strong, they were unsure if there was an ongoing customer demand for bacon flavored microwave popcorn.
Luckily for all of us, Kroger is a company that listens to its customers. According to, “Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.”
With that in mind, if you’d like Kroger to continue to stock BaconPOP, we humbly ask you to politely communicate with them and request that they continue stocking both Original BaconPOP and Cheddar BaconPOP in their stores.
To do this, please visit Kroger’s online Customer Comments page at , select “Product Comment/Inquiry/Suggestion/Request” as your Reason For Comment and kindly encourage them to continue stocking J&D's BaconPOP.
Thanks again for your continued support of the bacon flavored microwave popcorn arts.
Yours in Bacon,
Justin & Dave
+1 (206) 388-3395
J&D's Foods

Yes the popcorn is worth keeping if you live near or shop at a Kroger store. 

And while we are on the subject of fattening foods here's another reason that folks in the States are getting bigger---pizza sales here have gone up a lot and it is becoming the go to food for people.  Every time you turn on the the television there is an add for pizza--any size only $10!--buy one get one free!--buy one get dipping sticks!--it's a cheap way to feed a family (and no--no one is adding a salad to it to give the pretense of healthy).  Plus it's something that you can now find on menus from high end to low end restaurants.  Kind of reminds me of that old joke---sex is like pizza, when it's good, it's really good and when it's bad,'s still pretty good.

Speaking of pizza--Food & Wine Magazine has its list of the best pizza spots in the U.S.  Though lets face, pizza is one of those subjective things like say art, where everybody has an opinion about it.  Peoples taste buds are not only individual and regional and how can you just narrow it done to such a small list if you haven't tried every place in the U.S.?  I mean come on!  So take the list, like most lists with a grain of salt or parmesan.  And now for something truly tasty......
