The was a lot written about the movie Prometheus before it even hit theaters.  Some of it made me dubious about seeing it like the fact Damon Lindelof wrote the screenplay.  For those who don't know or care he as a major force behind the television series Lost a show I stuck with till the bitter end and believe me, when it ended I was bitter.  Five years of my life to find out they really were dead (EVEN THOUGH THEY SAID THEY WEREN'T!) and a host of unanswered questions they somehow probably couldn't answers since they probably had no idea where they really wanted to go and wrote themselves into a corner...but I digress.  I also saw reviews where people complained about unanswered questions and so on and so on.  But even with this trepidation me and the SO adventured out to see what all the fuss was about.  After spending just over 2 hours in the movie theater I can say I did enjoy the film and I understood pretty much all of it and can't quite understand what all the confusion is about. 

First off I'm gonna say that while the film is beautifully shot cinematography wise (thank you stark landscapes of Iceland) I don't necessarily feel seeing it in 3D was all that worthwhile.  Fortunately we hit the early bargain matinee so it wasn't so bad price wise but if you are thinking of a night time showing skip it and use the money on popcorn.

I went into this thinking of it as an Alien prequel and it basically was as it answered several lingering questions I had from those movie (except of course why they needed an Alien 4 and why was Winona Ryder in it?  That will be the great unexplained).  What I learned was where the aliens came from and what that ship was all about, it sort of ties it all together.  Is it all tied up in a nice wrapped package with a bow on top, of course not, science fiction is an open to interpretation type of medium that is really just to open ones mind to what the possibilities can be but not necessarily provide all the answers of how it will actually come to be.  Sometimes you just have to go with it and accept things at face value and for some it's the search for answers that's most intriguing as opposed to the actual answer they may get.  So get deep and heavy with that. 

Are there things you may want to know about the movie that they don't answer, sure and here a probably a few of them:

how did they guy who fell face first into the black muck turn into super strong monster
what happenedd to the other guy who had the albino worm enter him
why do the creators need that big head in the pod room
what was the cute guy who drank a spot of the black sludge turning into
how did the androids body not roll away when the alien ship crashed back on the planet
how could Dr. Shaw run, jump and whatever immediately after her alien abortion
when the old man character was about to die did he really mean there was nothing
is Charlize Theron really an android or just an ungrateful daughter

For me I don't feel like these questions really need answer as they don't necessarily add anything to the movie but what they do is keep people talking about the movie long after they have seen it thus the need for places like The Prometheus Forum

In regards to the following really BIG questions:  Why did the creators create us?  Why did the creators create the alien to come and destroy us? And why didn't that creator say something when they woke him?  Well, it was pretty obvious to me as it should have been for everyone in the theater  when Dr. Shaw and the android took off in that alien ship to go to the creators home planet....that questions lingered SO THERE COULD BE SEQUEL! 

Ridley Scott is nothing if not a master of creating questions and deep conversations about his movies.  I mean to this day people still wonder if  Decker from Blade Runner was an android...and that movie was 30 years ago and wasn't even a big hit then.  The questioning is ultimately what creates a cult movie that can sometimes outlast even the biggest blockbusters of their time. (Granted E.T. was the number one movie of 1982 but Blade Runner came in 27th on the list that year.)

Really what I'm saying is if you like sci-fi adventure go see the film.  Take from it what you will, but don't look for too deep a meaning or worry about possible questions.  Just sit back, eat your popcorn and enjoy a beautifully shot film with a decent story, some slightly gory thrills, and a some respectable acting performances.
