This past Saturday the San Francisco Opera put on a free simulcast of Rigoletto at AT&T Park. This is the seventh free opera event at the park and me and the SO have been to four of them and it is always a uniquely San Francisco experience. After this latest display I began to have some random thoughts about the event.....

San Francisco is a very eclectic city and nowhere was this more apparent than at this event--from kids in strollers to bridge and tunnel teens to hipster locals to of course gays to folks who look like they don't get out of their house all that much.

Sitting in the stands at night can get cold. Sitting on the infield is kinda fun but it gets really f***kin' cold down there--wind whips and hot chocolate vendors make a killing.

Being able to eat corndogs and garlic fries while watching big girls sing is great. Being able to drink wine (or beer) without having to ditch it before intermission ends is even better.

Seeing nearly 30,000 people sitting in a baseball park watching opera, of all things, is pretty astonishing.

Standing in line behind old folks who don't get out too much and can't quite grasp ballpark prices ($6 hot dogs! Why I never?!) not nearly as fun.

Having to listen to sirens, MUNI and those damn too loud motorcycles down the Embarcadero is rather annoying. As is listening to the person behind you talk on their cell phone loudly like they are at an actual game---I mean come on!

Not taking a seat cushion for a 3 hour opera not so smart. Remembering to take a blanket to bundle up with the SO in--brilliant.

Whether it's a ballgame, a concert or opera--the seagulls seem to know when it's ending so they can converge on the leftovers.

Even at a free event people get pissy about not having proper line ups to get in. And whatever you do--don't try to cut in front of someone--old ladies and large bags are vicious.

That guy who bangs on those stupid plastic containers is even more annoying at this event.

It's a lot easier to get up and go to the bathroom at the ballpark than at the opera house plus you don't have to stand in line which can happen for guys at War Memorial building.

Opera is a lot more enjoyable when you can drink and eat while it is going on. Plus the fact that you can get up and leave at anytime and not have to worry that you dropped $150 on two tickets (because..you know..it's free) is spectacular.

When the event is over people disperse in a relatively quick and orderly manner--they don't stand on the corner drunkenly shouting "let's go Giants!" over and over and over and over.....

The fact that after it all ends we can just get up and walk back across the street and be home makes the whole experience priceless.
