Traveling, it can be an eye opener. It's also a great thing for experiencing new cultures and mores of foreign countries and widening one's breath of knowledge. Truly, there is nothing better than cultural immersion to broadening your mind. On a recent driving trip along the Dalmation coast of Croatia me and the SO had the opportunity to see the beautiful shores and beaches and I myself, learned a little about what is just another day at the beach in a foreign country. We are a pasty white duo and while the SO does enjoy the water immensely, it is the sun that can be our enemy, even with 50 spf (the big tube). But when traveling to a place like Croatia you have to at least go to the beach once to experience the rocky shores, clear blue green glass waters and in this instance boobies and bathing suit-less young'uns. Yikes!

That's the beach, straight ahead in the distance. 
 On our second to last day we, with a recommendation from a friend of SO's who is from Croatia originally we donned our bathing trunks and set off on a 25 minute down a long road, past a small church, around a wooded corner and down a steep zigzagged stairway to the perfect beach of locals.

Not too crowded and while not shaded we were able to rent two chairs and an umbrella at just 90 Kuna for the whole day--I think that's roughly $15 US--which won't have bad and saves one from having to lug their own. You know they don't exactly fit in your luggage. We easily picked a spot and camped out to enjoy several hours (yeah I can't believe I was able to stay that long either) at the beach. First thing of note--Croatian beaches are not sandy, they are rocky:

don't be fooled, those are stones in my flops and while they were helpful, water shoes would have been better because them rocks look round and smooth but on bare feet they be rough and painful. This extends from the shore right into the water. I ended up wearing my flops in the water, it was better than nothing though not the best. After my brief moment splashing through the Adriatic just to say I'd done it, I left the SO to enjoy his swim and me to relax under my umbrella. Fortunately it wasn't really hot but comfortable since I am a total wilting flower in direct sunlight. I plopped down on my plastic chaise lounge, put on my headphones and laid back to survey the sights, and oy what sights.

To my right were two topless girls, one was massaging the others back. It was like a straight dudes idea of lesbians. Now, I've seen breasts before, mostly in pictures. But it's been awhile (Folsom Street Fair a few years ago maybe?) since I've seen them bobbing in public, let alone 4 feet away from me. I try not to stare, because, well, they aren't really my thing. When I mentioned them to the SO later he asked were they nice? After thinking for a minute I said "I haven't got a clue. I'm not the best judge of that kind of thing. All I can say is they weren't hanging down to her waist so yes?" They weren't all Dolly Parton-ish, more like bobbing softballs? If that image works for you then great, if not, eh, well. Of course now though, it seemed every time I looked left or right I saw boobs, almost as many as a dykes on bikes pride parade, just sunning themselves. Outside of a nude beach in the US you don't usually see that, I mean people hear even get upset when women breast feed in public. Here it seems more of a "their just boobs" kind of thing.

And lest you think this was some kind of adults single beach, it wasn't, there were quite a few families around. But just when I had resigned myself the onslaught of breasts, a small boy of 4 or 5 ran screaming by my chair toward the water--not wearing a bathing suit. And just when I thought this was a one off, right behind him came a girl about the same age, running bathing suitless. I think my first thought was how can those kids stand to run barefoot on these rocks and then I was like, yikes they don't have anything on! It was in this moment I chose to just blind myself by staring directly at the sun, ugh, not here to see that. Alas, they were only 2 of half a dozen really young kids running around without suits. I guess at the age it doesn't really matter, it certainly didn't to their parents. Matter of fact, one women off to my left had her nekkid baby sleeping in her lap while she sat their topless, smoking a cigarette talking to her friends. If that don't say European, I don't know what does. I kind of wanted to take a picture of that, but after a shudder, I thought better of it. Who knows, she might of smiled and waved had I asked.

At this point, I just closed my eyes, turned up the volume on my iPod, pulled the umbrella shade closer and just waited for the SO to finish his sea frolicking. While I was happy we got to hit up one of the beautiful beaches, I think I saw more than enough for the day. I'm just sayin'.
